Neo ring

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  1. toxicpunkette
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    A place where is full of colors

    :Mask: :Mask: :Mask: :Mask:

    i swear on anything holy this is a true story.

    in high school i had a friend named megumi who
    was an exchange student from japan. she had
    transfered from a school dedicated to the arts.
    one night when we were having a sleep over, she
    told me a bizzare story that happened in her
    school. one night, she and some other
    classmates were rehearsing a play and taped it
    because they wanted to check for imperfections.
    everything had gone smoothly. when they were
    watching the video, about at the midpoint of the
    play, they saw an opaque sillouette of a body
    drop from the ceiling. after dangling and swinging
    for a few minutes, the body stopped and looked
    into the camera. i told her it was quite a story, but
    i couldn't believe it. she told me she would show
    me the video later. six months went by, and she
    was about to return to japan. before she left, she
    told me she would keep her promise of showing
    me the video. she pulled out a video cassette and
    we popped it into the vcr. it seemed normal, just a
    group of japanese kids performing, laughing, and
    having a good time. then, she covered her eyes.
    i looked at the screen and i saw a body drop and
    dangle. i screamed and jumped. it was so
    uneasy to see a body dangling and twirling, yet
    see teenagers going about their bussiness. it
    looked like a boy dangling. then, just like megumi
    said, after a few minutes, the body stopped and it
    seemed to look directly into the camera, with a
    melancholy look on his face. we stopped the
    video and she started crying. she said she had
    always feared having to watch the video again.
    after she calmed down, she wanted to burn the
    video. she said even the second time, she felt the
    same feelings of fear and terror, and couldn't bare
    to do it again. so we burned the video. i couldn't
    sleep for almost a month after watching it.

    two years after she told me about her video
    encounter, the ring came out in japan. about five
    years later, it was released in america. needless
    to say when the movie came out and i saw it, i
    was horrified and again became sleepless. take
    my words for what they are, but it was a true story.
    Posted by butaspeed23
0 replies since 29/12/2012, 17:41   6 views