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  1. Natalie's Shadow

    By toxicpunkette il 15 Sep. 2012
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    :Mask: :Mask:

    Natalie was popular, in fact she was one of the most popular girls in school. She was sitting at home in the dark one night, texting her best friend and it was getting late.

    She glanced at the clock and noticed it was 3 am in them morning, so she decided to hit the sack. She couldn't sleep in the dark and always had to keep a light on, so she left her bathroom light on.

    Now the strange thing about Natalie was that she had no shadow. People would notice and ask her why she had no shadow and this would make her mad and she would make a big deal about it.

    Natalie woke up and saw that the time was now 8:15. "Great, I'm late for school!" she murmured. She got up, dressed, ate some toast and ran to school. She arrived at school and to her surprise it was closed, with police tape covering the doors. A police officer came over and said there was a big murder spree earlier in the morning and school was closed.

    Natalie went home and sobbed wondering why would anyone kill people in her school. She sent her best friend Mary a text just to see if she was OK. To her surprise, she was just fine but something was different. Mary kept testing the same word which was "Hell". Then it stopped and she told Natalie to come over right away.

    Natalie ran to Mary's house which was only three houses down and walked inside and found Mary covered in blood and crying. "What happened Mary?", Natalie screamed. "Hell came to school today. It was so dark. The...the figure looked like you, only dark with a devilish grin and pointy teeth and red eyes. You were so evil looking. Why did you kill them? Why did you hurt them just for them asking where your shadow was?" Mary asked shaking and crying.

    Before Natalie could reply, a dark figure walked up and slit Mary's throat. It then walked over to Natalie and put the knife in her hand and smiled, showing white fangs with eyes glowing red. Natalie smiled evilly and whispered "Because I can and I will kill whoever asks me about my soul".

    After that Natalie had a shadow but somehow she disappeared. Years past after the killing spree. Natalie had disappeared and that was when the killings stopped. Some people believed the Devil pulled her back into Hell. Others believed she simply skipped town.

    Then one day, a new girl came to school by the name of Natasha. The strange thing about Natasha, was that she had no shadow.