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  1. The Auditorium's Basement

    By toxicpunkette il 10 Feb. 2013
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    I used to go to Virgil Middle School and there are alot of hauntings there. Some hauntings happen in the auditorium. One day they held a singing contest and my friend and I made it to the finals. The finals were held in the auditorium. Contestants had to dress in the basement. In the basement you can hardly see anything. There was only a candle there, I wonder why but who knows. Anyways my friend had to use the restroom and we were 20 minutes away from our performance. So we asked the person who was supervising where the bathroom was. She said to go to one of the dressing rooms and to their private bathrooms. We did. There were only 3 dressing rooms and they all had names. One was called "flyer" the second one is called "laughter" and the third one is "tears". My friend is like "tears...nah lets go to laughter". We laughed and went inside the room "laughter". We found the bathroom and Charlene ((my friend)) went barging in... 10 seconds letter she came screaming and running out of the bathroom and crying. She told me that she saw a rope that looked like it hanged someone and when she looked inside the bath-tub she saw some blood. She also saw something that spooked her even more. When she looked in the bathroom mirror she saw a glowing clown with a big smile holding a knife.
    So we ran out of the dressing room and arrived just in time for the competiton. We got 1st place but that doesn't matter. After that we went to the person who was supervising us and Charlene asked "why do those dressing rooms have names?". The supervisor said "they used to be dressing rooms for the used-to-be greatest actors here in this school...why what dressing room did you choose?". I told him "we used the "laughter" dressing room." he said "the laughter?... oh my. the laughter dressing room used to be a dressing room for this actor, that dressed up like a clown but he killed an innocent girl in the bathroom and then hanged himself". We were shocked when we heard that so we never entered a competition in that school again. I will never enroll my children there, No way.
    Posted by silvergal1414