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  1. Intruder

    By toxicpunkette il 21 May 2017
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    Ever have the feeling that there is someone standing very close to you? Like when you’re at a concert or in a crowded hallway and you can just “sense” the person next to you? Well that’s me right now. Except for the fact that it’s around 2AM and I’m lying in bed. There is something in my bedroom with me. I sleep facedown so all I can tell is that there is something/someone standing next to the bed. My mind is racing; trying to remember if I locked the door to my apartment before I went to bed.

    If I just lay here maybe it’ll leave me alone.

    You know that feeling when the heat first turns on and you can feel it wafting out of the vents? I just felt that except it was short, like a breath. It’s scent is horrible. It’s not continuous like my heater would be. It’s vaguely human or at the very least, animalistic.

    If I just lay here maybe it’ll leave me alone.

    Now I’m trying to figure out where my knife is and if I could get to it in time. Or should I grab my phone? Come to think of it things in my room had definitely been moved when I came home. That would also explain the weird thud that I heard when I was making dinner (I live by myself).

    If I just lay here maybe it’ll leave me alone.