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  1. I looked in the mirror

    By toxicpunkette il 21 May 2017
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    She told me it was the scariest thing she'd ever done, but that was just Sarah, and she gets scared by the toaster... Yet she piqued my interest and I wanted to show her how much of a baby she was, so I decided to do it.

    I dimmed all the lights in my bathroom - that's the first thing she said I had to do. After all the lights were dimmed, I closed the door to make sure no other rays of light could make it into the bathroom.

    The next part was the trickiest for me; I stared at myself in the near-black bathroom, only the faint hum of the orange light bulbs in my ears. To get it to work I had to remain motionless... After a few seconds, something started happening.

    Shapes shifting, shadows moving around on my face, and then I saw it. I jumped in terror and it was gone. I was terrified. But not because I saw it.

    Because it saw me.